Blum AVENTOS HK-S Tip-On Lift Mechanism Set.
For use with cabinet heights from 180mm to 600mm, widths up to 1800mm and a power factor from 250 – 2215.
Handle-less lift stay – fronts open with ease thanks to the AVENTOS HK-S TIP-ON mechanical opening system.
Perfect for small lift systems in wall or tall cabinets, e.g. above refrigerators and ovens.
A single touch on the front releases the lift system, so that you can open it upwards with ease.
Additionally, wall cabinets can be left open in any position while cooking, allowing freedom of movement and easy access.
To close, simply press the lift system shut.
HK-S lift mechanism set is ideal for small cabinets, link for whole range Aventos HK-S
Obviously,perfect motion with a 107° opening angle
3-dimensional front adjustment
Furthermore, hinges are not required
Versatile use of materials- can be used with wooden fronts, wide and narrow aluminium frames.
Additionally, 100° and 75°opening angle stops ensure that little space is needed above the cabinet. 100° Angle Stop
Blum AVENTOS HK-S Tip-on lift mechanism
Power factor = cabinet height mm x front weight (incl. handle weight) kg that will give you lift required
960-2215 20K2E00T06 strong duty
400-1000 20K2C00T06 medium duty
220-500 20K2B00T06 light Duty
Minimum internal cabinet depth: 163mm
Minimum internal cabinet height: 150mm
Maximum cabinet height: 600mm
Fixing to cabinet: Screw-on
Closing mechanism: TIP-ON -NOT included available here Tip-On Devices
Lift material: Steel/Zinc plated
Cover Caps: Dark Grey
Items Included: Left/Right Mechanism, Dark Grey cover caps, 6 screws 35 x Ø4.0mm and 2 inline mounting plates
Additionally, the power factor LF can be increased by 50% when a third lift mechanism is used